31.   Although committee members praise the board for trying to implement reforms, they say the board seems to make many commitments without coordinating them.

32.   Although Giuliani made no commitment, one of the most senior members of his administration, Deputy Mayor Joseph J. Lhota, a Republican, is leaning toward Bloomberg.

33.   America will not allow its forces to be put in Kosovo except as part of a peacekeeping force, or be railroaded into making commitments until it is ready.

34.   Although the North Koreans have made a commitment to restart the dialogue, they have never done it formally.

35.   Analysts said Price will have a hard time finding a buyer for his fund group unless he makes a commitment to continue managing the Mutual Series Fund.

36.   And Bush has made expensive commitments of his own, from expanding access to health care to building a national missile defense.

37.   And by making a commitment to solve problems faced by small business, Whitman has helped create more optimism among entrepreneurs, she said.

38.   And every four years, voters here refrain from making a commitment until the last possible moment, confounding the pollsters and throwing the conventional wisdom into chaos.

39.   And every four years, voters here refrain from making a commitment until the last possible moment.

40.   And be sure you know what would happen if you died shortly after making the commitment.

v. + commitment >>共 427
make 17.53%
reaffirm 5.74%
have 5.31%
meet 3.40%
honor 3.25%
reiterate 2.97%
fulfill 2.87%
demonstrate 2.49%
show 2.16%
keep 2.04%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
commitment 0.42%
每页显示:    共 693