1.   Although a seller might well intend to honor a commitment to sell to the best sealed bid, what if a better bid comes in the next day?

2.   Although fighting continued in northwestern Bosnia even as the cease-fire agreement was finally being signed, both the government and Bosnian Serb leaders said they would honor their commitments.

3.   Although schnooks, the dads are all nice guys, all responsible, who honor their commitments to the kids.

4.   As China upgrades its military capacities, Washington must honor its commitment to provide adequate defensive weapons to Taiwan.

5.   At the heart of the upcoming showdown on the Senate floor is how the United States best can honor its legal and moral commitments to Indians.

6.   A potential lottery pick in the National Basketball Association, Griffin chose to honor his commitment to attend Seton Hall and the Pirates stood by him.

7.   A Winchester spokesman said Credit Lyonnais honored its commitment to be its broker for five years, though he declined to comment on the details of the report.

8.   After honoring scholarship commitments of canceled sports for another year, the ratio of grants-in-aid for male and female athletes will also come to balance.

9.   Bruce Frame, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Transportation, said that such commitments had been honored in the past.

10.   But most nations have honored a commitment to report all sales to a U.N. register.

v. + commitment >>共 427
make 17.53%
reaffirm 5.74%
have 5.31%
meet 3.40%
honor 3.25%
reiterate 2.97%
fulfill 2.87%
demonstrate 2.49%
show 2.16%
keep 2.04%
honor + n. >>共 663
commitment 4.84%
agreement 4.69%
dead 3.22%
contract 3.19%
victim 2.55%
pledge 2.29%
memory 2.21%
promise 2.17%
request 1.80%
cease-fire 1.50%
每页显示:    共 128