31.   California has solved its problem with the medfly, and wants China to increase imports of its citrus and other fruits, Wilson said.

32.   China is expected to increase imports this year, partly because of strong demand for advanced technology, a report in an official newspaper said Sunday.

33.   Clinton acted following rulings by the U.S. International Trade Commission that increased imports of wire rod and line pipe threatened serious injury to American producers.

34.   Chinese Vice Premier Zhu Rongji told his Malaysian hosts that China will increase the import of Malaysian palm oil beginning next year.

35.   Egypt would increase imports of lamb from New Zealand and seek beef supplies from Argentina, Taha said.

36.   Economists said the currency turmoil in Southeast Asia, by dampening growth, will hurt U.S. exports to the region while increasing Asian imports into the United States.

37.   For instance Asean would like to see Japan cut more tax and employ other fiscal measures to boost its domestic demand to increase imports from member countries.

38.   Hashimoto will urge Suharto to implement the IMF reforms and will also offer to increase imports from Indonesia to help it through its difficulties, Kyodo News service reported.

39.   He said government policy would aim to increase imports and shrink the surplus.

40.   However, some analysts warn that an improved economy could increase imports and frustrate hopes for a large surplus.

v. + import >>共 312
ban 22.34%
increase 4.12%
restrict 4.02%
reduce 3.97%
allow 3.63%
block 3.44%
limit 2.96%
suspend 2.86%
boost 2.28%
halt 2.13%
increase + n. >>共 661
number 5.30%
risk 3.45%
pressure 3.43%
cost 2.23%
production 2.20%
chance 2.07%
security 1.77%
demand 1.67%
sale 1.66%
price 1.64%
import 0.37%
每页显示:    共 85