31.   Now she comes down here to fetch water from the Danube to use to flush the toilet at home.

32.   No caravans of well-heeled looky-loos are seen trooping through the place, flushing toilets and inspecting the infield grass for root rot.

33.   One of the friends testified that Silva wanted to flush the toilet after the baby was born.

34.   One of the toilets in her house can be heard refilling as if the toilet has been flushed even though no one is in the room.

35.   Pool water was used to flush toilets.

36.   Rather than flush the toilet, they filled a small bucket and poured water directly into the bowl.

37.   Q. I get some strange vibration in the pipes when the toilet is flushed and shuts off.

38.   Remove the tank cover and flush the toilet.

39.   Save water for bathing and flushing toilets in a large, clean container such as a new garbage can or a water bed.

40.   Shah compares it to a plumbing problem when multiple showers are turned on and toilets are flushed at the same time.

v. + toilet >>共 134
use 18.33%
flush 15.27%
clean 7.33%
have 4.89%
install 3.67%
scrub 2.04%
replace 1.83%
remove 1.83%
need 1.63%
fix 1.22%
flush + n. >>共 139
toilet 23.29%
face 5.90%
system 4.66%
cheek 2.80%
drug 2.17%
rebel 2.17%
water 1.86%
waste 1.86%
eye 1.55%
red 1.55%
每页显示:    共 75