flush toilet 4.94   Flush the toilets.
  flush face 1.25   His face was flushed.
  flush system 0.99   A plumber flushed the system without success.
  flush cheek 0.59   Her cheeks are flushed.
  flush drug 0.46   Within an hour, the girl had surgery to try to flush the drug from her spinal fluid.
  flush rebel 0.46   He said the Russians were slowly flushing the rebels out of buildings on the Russian side of the river.
  flush waste 0.39   The waste is flushed out of the barn, through pipes, and into holding lagoons.
  flush water 0.39   Flush fresh water through the cleaned head.
  flush eye 0.33   McClure lay down on the floor of the lab and flushed her eye.
  flush lavatory 0.33   Most of the water that we use does not go on drinking, washing or flushing the lavatory.
  flush red 0.33   With that, Clinton flushed red.
  flush bird 0.26   He was bad about flushing the birds early.
  flush line 0.26   The line is flushed again with saline.
  flush pipe 0.26   However, I would not recommend flushing the pipes with an acid or other chemical to dissolve the deposits.
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