31.   A federal trial of alleged conspirators in the embassy bomb- ings is scheduled to begin in Manhat- tan in early January.

32.   A federal trial court agreed.

33.   A federal trial court, and a New York-based federal appeals court, both sided with the nursing home.

34.   A federal trial judge declined to take the case, however.

35.   A federal trial judge initially granted a request by Cargill -- not affiliated with the agriculture conglomerate Cargill Inc. -- to dismiss the case.

36.   A federal trial judge ordered the Commonwealth of Virginia not to begin enforcing a law requiring underage women to obtain the consent of one parent before securing an abortion.

37.   A federal trial judge threw out the verdict, however.

38.   A federal trial judge, and a St. Louis-based federal appeals court, agreed with their argument.

39.   A federal trial would allow them to be prosecuted in federal courts with U.S. attorneys.

40.   A Louisiana federal trial court threw out the case, and the New Orleans appeals court agreed.

a. + trial >>共 426
clinical 13.61%
new 9.12%
fair 6.84%
criminal 4.83%
first 4.61%
olympic 2.79%
second 2.62%
civil 2.49%
federal 2.10%
separate 2.04%
federal + n. >>共 476
government 12.23%
court 6.49%
law 5.88%
judge 4.00%
official 3.74%
agency 3.06%
prosecutor 3.01%
budget 2.47%
agent 2.16%
authority 2.12%
trial 0.35%
每页显示:    共 225