1.   Agouron is counting on Viracept sales to finance development of several other products, including a cancer drug now in clinical trials.

2.   As a result of these findings Glaxo stopped clinical trials comparing ranitidine with omeprazole for ethical reasons.

3.   Clinical trials have shown nicotine replacement therapy is the only treatment which can effectively treat tobacco dependence.

4.   Clinical trials not only collect and analyze medical data, they also gather information on the costs of alternative treatments.

5.   Clinical trials provide valuable information on new treatments that can save lives or improve quality of life.

6.   Clinical trials show that some patients with breast cancer do better if they take the drug for five years after surgery.

7.   Clinical trials start this year and Hillman is confident that they will confirm the safety and effectiveness of the new strain.

8.   How were clinical trials, so convincing for antituberculous drugs, to be brought into the sensitive area of subjective experience?

9.   I would naturally consider sympathetically any invitation to take part in clinical trials requiring ingestion of whisky for medicinal purposes.

10.   If it is confirmed by longer and larger clinical trials, this will rightly be hailed as a scientific triumph.

a. + trial >>共 426
clinical 13.61%
new 9.12%
fair 6.84%
criminal 4.83%
first 4.61%
olympic 2.79%
second 2.62%
civil 2.49%
federal 2.10%
separate 2.04%
clinical + n. >>共 402
trial 41.97%
study 4.62%
psychologist 4.33%
depression 3.07%
research 2.24%
test 2.21%
sign 1.58%
practice 1.41%
professor 1.35%
evidence 0.89%
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