31.   Three peacekeepers and an embassy guard were wounded.

32.   Two Israeli embassy guards were shot and injured in an Amman residential area.

33.   U.S. State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said the driver aimed the car at an embassy guard, who jumped on the hood.

34.   Two of the Indonesian immigrants, he said, were slightly hurt during a scuffle with embassy guards.

35.   Witnesses said embassy guards fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.

36.   A US State Department spokeswoman said one Peruvian embassy guard -- not two, as in early news reports -- was killed in the blast.

n. + guard >>共 370
border 28.43%
prison 11.94%
police 9.14%
honor 6.85%
freshman 3.48%
reserve 2.39%
rookie 2.39%
sophomore 2.18%
nose 1.74%
village 1.72%
embassy 0.78%
embassy + n. >>共 278
official 25.58%
spokesman 13.35%
staff 6.26%
compound 5.44%
building 4.05%
bombing 4.05%
employee 3.25%
spokeswoman 2.26%
statement 1.97%
residence 1.95%
guard 0.96%
每页显示:    共 36