31.   On the drive home, he told Martha they would have to think of something to give them that feeling again.

32.   One man was excused on Wednesday, for example, because he happened upon one of the bombing sites a few years ago on his drive home from work.

33.   On the long drive home from the mountains, we searched the dial of the car radio for the station with continuous courtroom coverage.

34.   One of his last single boyhood friends had finally made the leap, and on the drive home they had decided that they would, too, next spring.

35.   Research shows pilots get drowsiest on the drive home.

36.   Some already were getting ready to pack up and drive home.

37.   Sometimes gruff and unyielding traffic officers make Krista Bojanowski cry as she tries to navigate the street closings on her drive home.

38.   So, because I have this long drive home, I have a glass of club soda.

39.   Spend an hour on your drive home listening to a call-in sports talk show on the radio.

40.   The drive home was very quiet.

n. + home >>共 1088
vacation 3.91%
flight 3.72%
group 3.59%
retirement 3.30%
summer 3.19%
country 3.06%
trip 1.79%
childhood 1.69%
luxury 1.55%
ride 1.50%
drive 0.96%
drive + n. >>共 216
home 11.36%
car 5.68%
vehicle 3.41%
system 3.41%
space 3.22%
model 2.65%
bay 2.46%
maker 2.46%
price 2.46%
belt 2.27%
每页显示:    共 60