31. If any branch is not satisfied with the decision of the branch they may appeal to the Regional Committee. 32. Second, there is empirical work which looks for evidence that fiscal considerations play any part at all in the decision of individuals to reside in a particular locality. 33. To date, the evidence that changes in marginal rates have very significant effects on the labour market decisions of individuals has yet to be established. 34. When a decision has been reached, all concerned will be recalled and informed of the decision of the disciplinary committee. 35. If the Appellant fails to comply with this requirement, then the decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall sand and be reported to the next Council meeting for ratification. 36. The decision of the Arbitrators is final and not subject to ratification by Council. 37. The decision of the Council on any matter to be determined under these rules shall be final. 38. The demand for health care is shaped not just by patients but by a million clinical decisions of doctors and other professionals. 39. Courts will only interfere with a spending decision of a public authority in the most unusual circumstances. 40. In sixteenth-century Spain there was usually a secretary of state with particular responsibility for carrying out the decisions of the king in foreign policy matters. |