31.   Zedillo said Monday that all countries share the same rights and obligations to fight drug trafficking.

32.   Our two countries share broad common interests and shoulder a common responsibility on major issues bearing upon human survival and development.

33.   Pustovoitenko and Hungarian Prime Minister Gyula Horn told reporters their two countries share the goal of becoming members of NATO and the European Union.

34.   Asean countries would share the rest, Jurin said.

35.   Axworthy called on other countries to share the cost of maintaining the U.N. mission.

36.   Both countries share a common interest in increasing engagement with China while encouraging the United States to remain an active power in the region.

37.   Both countries share borders with Yugoslavia.

38.   Both countries share the Orthodox Christian faith.

39.   Both said their countries could share knowledge on everything from technological advances to how to encourage the growth of small and medium businesses.

40.   Both countries share the Orthodox Christian faith and were founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement.

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