1.   Most countries have signed the treaty but some are reluctant to fall into line.

2.   Most EU countries have signed the agreement and the US is expected to follow shortly.

3.   The two countries have just signed a new agreement on arms control.

4.   The two countries have signed an agreement on military co-operation.

5.   The two countries signed a non-aggression pact.

6.   The two countries signed a treaty to solidify their alliance.

7.   The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites.

8.   The two countries signed a new three-year programme for cultural and scientific exchanges.

9.   During a visit by Antall to Kiev the two countries signed a basic treaty of co-operation.

10.   In addition, the two countries signed an agreement of mutual defence.

n. + sign >>共 737
country 7.81%
company 6.28%
side 4.90%
president 4.52%
government 3.93%
leader 3.45%
official 3.29%
team 2.71%
agreement 2.11%
player 1.84%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
每页显示:    共 376