31.   The UN resolution setting up the preparatory conference was adopted by consensus.

32.   The United Nations Security Council later called for an end to the violence in Albania, in a formal statement adopted by consensus.

33.   The document should be adopted by consensus.

n. + adopt >>共 556
government 8.39%
parliament 5.15%
state 4.05%
company 4.05%
country 3.27%
board 1.73%
school 1.51%
administration 1.47%
couple 1.47%
council 1.40%
consensus 1.21%
consensus + v. >>共 112
be 62.09%
emerge 5.95%
seem 3.81%
adopt 2.52%
make 2.06%
exist 1.68%
form 1.53%
develop 1.14%
grow 0.99%
take 0.99%
每页显示:    共 33