1.   Both countries already have adopted laws that allow their nationals to sue the United States if affected by Helms-Burton.

2.   It is not unusual to find that countries adopt the best parts of both strategies in order to tackle air pollution problems.

3.   My country has adopted individual rights in principle, but as far as it goes, it means men, not women.

4.   The country adopted an official policy of neutrality.

5.   The country has adopted a policy of nonintervention.

6.   In Europe, different countries have adopted different policies, some setting very strict standards.

7.   AN AUSTRALIAN state has proposed the country adopt a bill of rights and replace the Queen as head of state with an Australian president.

8.   As a result, they say, the country can adopt security measures as stringent as its people will tolerate politically or support financially.

9.   Bayer is a German company, but its drug was licensed in Europe by the British authorities while neighboring countries essentially adopted its decision.

10.   Almost every Latin country has adopted unprecedented reforms that are yielding robust economies, analysts point out.

n. + adopt >>共 556
government 8.39%
parliament 5.15%
state 4.05%
company 4.05%
country 3.27%
board 1.73%
school 1.51%
administration 1.47%
couple 1.47%
council 1.40%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
adopt 0.32%
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