31.   Eric Stover, an official at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, assembled a team of forensic experts.

32.   Gower said that the UP has responded by assembling safety teams.

33.   Harberger helped his students assemble project teams and lined up senior figures to advise them, notably his friend, Milton Friedman.

34.   He assembled a team of veterinarians to care for whales, sea turtles and other creatures and prepare them for return to the ocean.

35.   He has begun assembling a team of strategists.

36.   He decided to try and assemble a team worthy of taking to the Olympics.

37.   He quickly assembled a team of ministers sprightlier and more liberal in economics than its predecessors.

38.   He said he had assembled a team of eight wealthy local investors who had expressed interest in buying the team.

39.   He said he had assembled a team of programmers who were working on a variety of Internet and on-line projects.

40.   His fortune has allowed him to assemble a team of experienced campaign strategists.

v. + team >>共 885
lead 5.61%
join 3.46%
have 3.12%
make 2.83%
leave 2.10%
send 2.03%
coach 1.64%
help 1.56%
take 1.50%
keep 1.39%
assemble 0.73%
assemble + n. >>共 576
team 7.92%
car 3.49%
bomb 2.56%
collection 2.27%
product 2.04%
group 1.98%
staff 1.92%
vehicle 1.86%
part 1.69%
evidence 1.46%
每页显示:    共 135