lead team 69.26   Jordan led his team to victory.
  join team 42.73   Professor M. joined the team.
  have team 38.58   Cleveland has a team.
  make team 34.89   Bang, he makes the team.
  leave team 25.94   All left the team.
  send team 25.02   Some years it did not even send a team.
  coach team 20.21   Coach the team.
  help team 19.29   He helps his team.
  take team 18.50   He took his team down the field.
  keep team 17.18   He keeps his team in the game.
  rejoin team 16.39   He rejoined his team.
  beat team 15.47   The Jets beat good teams.
  build team 15.14   All that builds a team.
  move team 14.75   Move the team?
  run team 14.29   Run a team?
  put team 14.09   He puts the team first.
  buy team 13.36   He bought the team.
  play team 13.30   I like to play good teams.
  sell team 13.17   Sell the team.
  head team 12.97   The only place this team is headed is down.
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