21.   They say the elections would strip them of power handed down through generations and destroy Zulu culture.

a. + culture >>共 1257
popular 7.83%
american 7.25%
pop 6.13%
corporate 4.07%
different 3.41%
western 2.37%
political 2.20%
chinese 1.40%
local 1.34%
traditional 1.33%
zulu 0.25%
zulu + n. >>共 121
homeland 11.93%
leader 10.26%
nationalist 6.92%
kingdom 5.25%
culture 5.01%
king 4.06%
family 2.86%
chief 2.63%
worker 2.15%
stronghold 1.91%
每页显示:    共 21