21.   This project will finalise that collation and produce a summary document for use by policy makers and practitioners.

22.   This work arose out of a project in which a sample survey program was written specifically for use by developing countries.

23.   Use by unauthorized persons is a violation of applicable laws.

24.   The Centre should be timetabled for operational use by students and formally supervised by a designated member of staff.

25.   It is, however, in regular use by the Environment and other Directorates of the European Community and other collaborating national and international agencies.

26.   Thus each procedure call results in a new set of registers allocated for use by that new procedure.

27.   Five years later specialised fax machines were in use by the American press.

28.   There is even a portable unit for home use by people who are too busy to come to the Centre.

29.   No, L is already in use by the system.

30.   It has been reviewed for use by the Health and Safety Executive bacteriological unit and the Material Safety Data Sheet was drawn up using their recommendations as guidelines.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
use 0.34%
use + p. >>共 51
of 76.45%
in 7.42%
for 3.82%
by 2.79%
as 2.29%
on 1.11%
to 0.91%
with 0.83%
at 0.75%
among 0.56%
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