21.   His unit commander then was Barak.

22.   The Central Election Commission demanded the Russian Airborne Troops Command withdraw its call, made in an official letter sent to unit commanders.

23.   The judge ruled Kalejs was a unit guard commander at two concentration camps where thousands had been killed.

24.   The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said most of those killed were soldiers, including their unit commander.

25.   Unit commander Sergei Kocheshkov said his soldiers had to fire several times on trespassers at the base, ITAR-Tass reported.

26.   However, unit commanders had the authority to do this if it solved an immediate problem he added.

27.   But the new recruits soon began questioning the authority of their officers, making a number of demands including changes in unit commanders.

28.   The rebel delegation includes Akhmed Zakayev, a top adviser and guerrilla unit commander.

29.   Western Cape child protection unit acting commander Jan Swart said he had checked police records thoroughly and established that Hundermark was not a wanted man in South Africa.

30.   The ministry must raise the wages of those soldiers on army contracts who find themmselves serving in extremely difficult or dangerous conditions, as well as unit commanders.

n. + commander >>共 236
army 16.61%
rebel 13.40%
police 11.86%
field 8.07%
deputy 5.89%
guerrilla 3.90%
alliance 3.02%
security 2.48%
force 2.18%
government 1.77%
unit 0.65%
unit + n. >>共 226
sale 11.55%
cost 5.12%
trust 4.82%
manager 4.53%
commander 4.39%
price 4.39%
owner 2.92%
member 2.63%
shipment 2.34%
volume 1.75%
每页显示:    共 30