21.   He added that current technology enabled businesses to use bulletproof security systems that keep medical records separate from personnel files.

22.   He explained that the dampening technology will enable alpine enthusiasts to get greater stability from shorter skis.

23.   If successful, Chrome developers say the new technology will enable the Web to compete with TV for ad revenue.

24.   In addition, new phone technologies are enabling traditional wireless phones to be used on almost every corner of the globe.

25.   In the future, Castle said, the new technology will enable CNN to develop services to sell video through its Web site, wireless devices or broadband networks.

26.   Information technology has enabled Swedes to locate here in the Arctic wilderness businesses that do not need to be close to their customers.

27.   Internet technology enables the industry to do this and already it is hard at work developing this capability.

28.   No doubt some virtual reality technology will soon enable them to be presented in a more visual and kinetic way.

29.   New drilling and equipment technologies are enabling Union Pacific and other companies to tap previously uneconomical pools of oil and gas in this area once known as Heartbreak Field.

30.   Or consider the car market, where GPS technology enables drivers to punch in a destination and then just follow voice directions.

n. + enable >>共 912
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option 2.81%
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program 1.12%
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technology + v. >>共 637
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