technology be 79.66   And there is technology.
  technology make 19.68   Has technology made us better?
  technology allow 15.27   But technology is allowing shortcuts.
  technology have 11.98   Even technology has two edges.
  technology help 9.81   Technology has helped.
  technology change 8.43   Technology is changing fast.
  technology become 7.97   Technology has become baroque.
  technology improve 7.70   Technology is also improving.
  technology come 5.07   In comes technology.
  technology enable 4.87   Technology also enables the Army to get smaller.
  technology work 4.54   Does the new technology work?
  technology exist 4.21   The technology exists.
  technology provide 4.15   Again, technology is providing some of the answers.
  technology take 4.15   Technology takes up the slack.
  technology use 3.69   New technology being used to teach autistic children.
  technology give 3.62   Technology giveth and technology taketh away.
  technology advance 3.55   Amazing how technology has advanced.
  technology offer 3.29   But technology offers other alternatives.
  technology create 2.90   Technology cannot create it.
  technology bring 2.83   Moreover, new technology is bringing higher prices.
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