21.   The handful of guards sitting round a brazier outside the presidential palace appeared unperturbed, but local civilians, including a Russian woman, expressed indignation at the raid.

v. + round >>共 301
gather 5.35%
wrap 4.01%
rally 2.67%
glance 2.67%
qualifying 2.67%
pass 2.34%
sit 2.34%
crowd 1.89%
show 1.67%
take 1.67%
sit + p. >>共 75
in 47.09%
at 13.60%
around 3.90%
behind 3.01%
in_front_of 2.61%
through 2.33%
atop 2.20%
beside 2.01%
outside 1.72%
by 1.72%
round 0.14%
每页显示:    共 21