1.   As usual, Mr Collier started the lesson by passing round several handouts.

2.   Write your name on this list then pass it round.

3.   The above planning application has been passed round Nether Wyresdale Parish Council excluding Councillor Collinson who declared an interest.

4.   The above planning application has been passed round the Parish Council for comments and the majority of councillors are opposed to this development.

5.   It has been passed round the parish councillors for any information or comments.

6.   The above planning application has been passed round the Parish Councillors for comment.

7.   The above planning application has been passed round the parish councillors for comments.

8.   The above-numbered planning application has been passed round Nether Wyresdale Parish Council for comments.

9.   The above planning application has been passed round the Parish Council for comments.

10.   It has been passed round the members of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council for their comments.

v. + round >>共 301
gather 5.35%
wrap 4.01%
rally 2.67%
glance 2.67%
qualifying 2.67%
pass 2.34%
sit 2.34%
crowd 1.89%
show 1.67%
take 1.67%
pass + p. >>共 75
along 21.38%
without 15.03%
in 9.28%
with 8.95%
around 6.75%
before 6.10%
by 5.58%
since 3.48%
at 3.38%
across 2.90%
round 0.53%
每页显示:    共 21