21.   Thankfully, good sense prevailed in the end.

22.   Until now, that is, when good sense has prevailed.

23.   When good sense prevails, normalcy can then return and the recovery process can start.

24.   Yet a sense of nervousness prevails.

25.   A sense of optimism prevails at the World Trade Organisation and in foreign trade missions.

n. + prevail >>共 673
sky 7.93%
condition 5.94%
sunshine 3.15%
weather 3.10%
atmosphere 2.66%
head 2.48%
calm 2.48%
view 1.77%
justice 1.55%
attitude 1.15%
sense 1.11%
sense + v. >>共 277
be 64.90%
come 1.79%
prevail 1.40%
have 1.23%
seem 1.17%
pervade 1.06%
remain 0.95%
take 0.84%
do 0.78%
begin 0.78%
每页显示:    共 25