21.   The reactions of people to any given stimulus are so individual, however, that generalizations are dangerous.

22.   A further potential and equally predictable difficulty to face the Commissioner was the reaction of the unions.

23.   He sensed a mixed reaction of sympathy and severity.

24.   Freddie Jones recalled the reaction of other actors on hearing that he was appearing with Crawford.

25.   This method is used for the reactions of metals and acids and the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

26.   EXAMPLE Bromobenzene can be prepared by the reaction of benzene with excess bromine in the presence of iron chloride.

27.   The reaction of the Copts was strangely muted.

28.   The reaction of perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titre to medication is controversial.

29.   There is no significant cross reaction of this assay with the related peptides neuropeptide y or pancreatic polypeptide.

30.   Even so the president could do no more than test the reaction of the ambassador to some of the advice and conclusions of his own government machine.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
reaction 0.02%
reaction + p. >>共 53
from 50.82%
of 15.75%
in 10.94%
among 3.22%
on 3.22%
by 2.79%
against 2.35%
at 1.20%
after 1.07%
as 0.97%
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