21.   The same principle applies at each level.

22.   Liability will not be avoided simply because the system has a fault and the same principles apply here as in the case of conventional computer software.

23.   This broad principle applies as much to transactions involving the sale and purchase of productive assets as to other commercial transactions.

24.   Exactly the same principles apply as with any age group.

25.   Similar principles apply to destabilizing.

26.   It looks at joint compensation schemes cases in which civil liability principles do not apply.

27.   I shall just mention that the same general principle applies as for understanding mechanism.

28.   The same principle probably applies where the lease refers to an Act of Parliament or statutory instruments by name.

29.   The principle applies just as much in English law as in Scots law.

n. + apply >>共 1176
rule 7.11%
law 6.24%
company 2.65%
ban 2.00%
restriction 2.00%
principle 1.56%
ruling 1.54%
bill 1.14%
standard 1.13%
regulation 1.09%
principle + v. >>共 172
be 43.54%
apply 10.74%
work 1.83%
remain 1.71%
include 1.71%
seem 1.49%
have 1.49%
guide 1.37%
hold 1.26%
require 1.26%
每页显示:    共 93