21.   Farther north, low pressure will promote a chilly rain with embedded thunderstorms from northern Minnesota to northern Michigan.

22.   Farther west, steadfast high pressure will promote another mild day with ample sunshine across the eastern part of the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.

23.   High pressure will promote abundant sunshine throughout the Middle Atlantic States and coastal Southeast.

24.   High pressure will promote ample sunshine during the day, but it will remain very cool for this time of year.

25.   High pressure will promote ample sunshine from central Texas to the Pacific Coast, though morning coastal fog will develop in southern California.

26.   High pressure will promote dry and very warm conditions from the eastern Dakotas to the southern Great Lakes.

27.   High pressure will promote dry weather in the Pacific Northwest, though clouds will persist in some areas.

28.   High pressure will promote dry weather over northern New England on Wednesday.

29.   High pressure will promote ample sun throughout the Southeast as milder air arrives.

30.   High pressure will promote mainly clear skies and seasonable warmth from the Mississippi Valley to the Middle Atlantic States.

n. + promote >>共 641
company 5.28%
government 5.05%
pressure 4.25%
wind 2.27%
group 1.99%
official 1.82%
program 1.64%
step 1.19%
breeze 1.19%
disturbance 1.02%
pressure + v. >>共 583
be 31.94%
mount 5.28%
build 4.19%
come 2.96%
grow 2.27%
continue 2.24%
increase 1.95%
force 1.87%
remain 1.67%
make 1.33%
promote 1.26%
每页显示:    共 75