21.   Other plant foods, such as beans and fruits, are rich in folic acid, too.

22.   Plant food is more available in cooler soil, and the extra soil moisture increases plant growth and yields.

23.   The bacteria gene manufactures a fungal enzyme called phytase, which aids in the digestion of phosphorus found in ordinary plant foods.

24.   The body discards these cells to protect itself from mutagenic chemicals found in natural plant foods, Gordon said.

25.   The iron in plant foods is better absorbed if consumed along with a food rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits.

26.   The occupation shows a culture with wooden huts, hearths, tools and subsistence on game animals and plant foods, none of which resemble Clovis technologies.

27.   The water level is kept at the charcoal line, with liquid plant food added during growing season.

28.   These include crop seed, plant food and crop protection products.

29.   This is because many plant foods contain substances that inhibit the absorption of critical nutrients.

30.   This record coincides with the place and time hunters of wild game and gatherers of wild plant food first settled into villages and became pastoralists and farmers.

n. + food >>共 443
dog 7.95%
baby 7.50%
snack 7.28%
cat 4.17%
relief 3.00%
finger 3.00%
low-fat 2.39%
airline 2.33%
gourmet 2.33%
plant 2.17%
plant + n. >>共 769
worker 4.01%
life 3.64%
official 3.55%
closing 3.46%
manager 3.43%
species 2.70%
operator 2.27%
material 2.05%
growth 1.84%
closure 1.72%
food 1.19%
每页显示:    共 39