dog food 9.41   They love dog food.
  baby food 8.89   Yeah, you have baby food!
  snack food 8.62   Snack food is everywhere.
  cat food 4.94   He bought some cans of cat food.
  finger food 3.55   Ribs are finger food.
  relief food 3.55   Relief food may not arrive on time.
  low-fat food 2.83   She eats low-fat foods, with no sugar.
  airline food 2.76   Airline food.
  gourmet food 2.76   ...purveyors of gourmet foods.
  plant food 2.57   Peanuts are a plant food.
  biotech food 2.24   Biotech food a hot potato for EU, but not Spain.
  prison food 1.78   The inmates now eat prison food.
  restaurant food 1.78   Restaurant food.
  cafeteria food 1.71   Certainly, the cafeteria food was second to none.
  high-fat food 1.65   But stay away from the high-fat foods.
  quality food 1.65   This was Michelin Star quality food.
  specialty food 1.65   Big selection of specialty foods, too.
  day food 1.45   A licensed restaurant serves good food all day.
  breakfast food 1.38   But pelting a breakfast food at my car?
  fish food 1.12   The fish food you mean?
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