21.   Ah, but who knows what lurks behind such nervous laughter?

22.   But all the while, a ghost lurked behind the scenes.

23.   But an Elizabethan motive lurks behind the short-term objectives.

24.   But danger lurks behind this trend.

25.   But for all his bravado, he does feel the pressure of his readers lurking behind him.

26.   But behind them lurks ... a Chevy Chase fan?

27.   But lurking behind their seemingly similar views lie very different agendas.

28.   But lurking behind the gay saturnalia during this booze-soaked week is the specter of HIV from unprotected sex.

29.   But some of these signs are not as favorable as they may appear, and lurking behind them are financial imbalances that threaten to dampen any recovery.

30.   But the governor bristles whenever it is suggested that there might be political motivations lurking behind his decisions.

v. + behind >>共 530
lag 7.47%
leave 7.36%
stand 7.19%
stay 6.53%
hide 6.16%
sit 3.76%
remain 3.16%
get 2.89%
rally 2.49%
work 2.41%
lurk 0.79%
lurk + p. >>共 42
in 41.64%
behind 9.99%
around 7.05%
on 6.31%
beneath 5.68%
at 3.47%
within 2.94%
nearby 2.52%
inside 2.10%
under 2.00%
每页显示:    共 94