lag behind 59.51   Britain lags behind the rest of Europe.
  leave behind 58.59   And what did they leave behind?
  stand behind 57.27   And NBC stands behind him.
  stay behind 52.01   But he stayed behind.
  hide behind 49.05   The cat hid behind the couch.
  sit behind 29.95   He sat behind me.
  remain behind 25.15   He remained behind.
  get behind 23.04   He got behind me.
  rally behind 19.82   But the Bears rallied behind Watson.
  work behind 19.16   Dawson is working behind Davis.
  catch behind 14.61   Both batsmen were caught behind by Richardson.
  unite behind 14.61   Party members united behind their leader.
  be behind 14.29   Behind home plate is fine.
  play behind 13.10   Ottis plays behind him.
  finish behind 11.13   DeReuck finished well behind.
  tie behind 10.40   My hands were tied behind my back.
  meet behind 9.61   The committee meets behind closed doors.
  close behind 7.44   The door closed behind him.
  crouch behind 7.18   We all crouched behind the trees.
  lurk behind 6.25   Witches lurk behind the bushes.
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