21.   The footage, shot using night lenses which make images look green, showed flashing lights and tracer fire.

22.   The image looks unearthly, though also direct, forward, vivid.

23.   The resulting image looks like an outtake from an Eisenstein epic.

24.   The resulting images look terrific.

25.   Up close, the image looks grainy.

26.   When dancers hurl themselves against a wall onstage and that wall is turned later to form cages out of its metal supports, the images look highly specific.

27.   Yet somehow the images looked modern.

28.   The other figures are posed and the images look more like photographs.

n. + look >>共 1193
company 3.25%
people 2.37%
investor 2.18%
police 1.83%
thing 1.82%
investigator 1.67%
team 1.47%
official 1.37%
government 1.19%
future 1.07%
image 0.13%
image + v. >>共 517
be 38.62%
show 5.62%
have 2.42%
appear 2.18%
come 1.94%
become 1.53%
seem 1.16%
change 1.02%
look 0.95%
remain 0.92%
每页显示:    共 28