21.   The same point can be illustrated from the solid profit which was derived from the expanding royal protection of bishoprics.

22.   There are four key factors which illustrate the point.

23.   They are too numerous to record herewith, but I shall take just one or two to illustrate the point under discussion.

24.   This point can be illustrated by two brief examples.

25.   This point was well illustrated in a Church row that once broke over the head of a certain man.

26.   To illustrate the point, I call it the Aeroflot Syndrome.

27.   Whiter illustrates his point by showing how the conditions of Elizabethan dramatic presentation reinforced the use of certain repeatedly connected images.

28.   Some simple examples will illustrate the point.

29.   The foregoing examples illustrate this point.

v. + point >>共 406
make 14.33%
have 13.73%
score 8.51%
reach 4.36%
miss 4.20%
get 3.50%
prove 3.02%
win 1.95%
illustrate 1.92%
earn 1.78%
illustrate + n. >>共 543
point 12.57%
story 4.48%
problem 3.16%
difficulty 3.04%
book 2.87%
difference 1.89%
need 1.84%
importance 1.55%
danger 1.26%
principle 0.98%
每页显示:    共 218