21.   Some daycare centers set aside space to care for mildly ill children, and some hospitals have established centers.

22.   The center is being established by state in a partnership with the National Retail Federation, Kravco Co. and American Express Co.

23.   The center was established in July with a donation from the Kettering Fund.

24.   The city has taken steps to establish decontamination centers at various undisclosed locations, he said.

25.   The department has established counseling centers in Staten Island and Queens in addition to the one in Lower Manhattan.

26.   The foundation also runs projects for children and is establishing youth centers for young Ethiopian Jews in Israel.

27.   The Medical Research Council also recently established a center in Scotland to help finance new companies with promising technologies, biological in nature or otherwise.

28.   The organization also has established recycling centers in mountain communities.

29.   The officials said they had not yet decided where to establish the center.

30.   The Pulliams purchased land and established recreation centers for exclusive use of the employees and their families in Indianapolis and Phoenix.

v. + center >>共 656
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