21.   In particular, the document no longer calls for formal negotiations to set international rules on investment and competition policies.

22.   Talks on an arms-limitation agreement for Bosnia adjourned Wednesday after negotiators stumbled over what the document should call the half of Bosnia controlled by Serbs.

23.   Talks on an arms-limitation agreement for Bosnia broke up Wednesday as negotiators stumbled over what the document should call the half of Bosnia controlled by Serbs.

24.   The American document reportedly calls on Palestinians to rein in militants and Israel to pull back its forces in an effort to ease the fighting.

25.   That document also called for respecting territorial integrity, the rights of numerous national minorities scattered throughout the region, and a pledge to settle disputes peacefully.

26.   The Cairo document calls for uniting the Somali people and agreeing on a formula for power sharing.

27.   The document called for the establishment of an independent committee of experts to examine the options for nicotine regulation and report their findings to the government.

28.   The document calls for a government guarantee respect for union rights and that there be an at least five percent increase in real wages.

29.   The document calls on UNITA to return to the government the four towns it still controls.

30.   The document also calls for creating a second chamber of the European parliament that would group national government ministers.

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