21.   The doctor told Dan he ought to exercise more.

22.   The doctor told Ellie that the tests were positive and she was going to have a baby.

23.   The doctor told her to breathe out slowly.

24.   The doctor told him not to eat fatty foods.

25.   The doctor told him that unless he stopped drinking he would be dead within a year.

26.   The doctor told him to reduce the amount of fat in his diet.

27.   The doctor told Jimmy to stay off the booze for a while.

28.   The doctor told me I could come off the drugs six months after the operation.

29.   The doctor told me she was going to put me to sleep.

30.   The doctor told me to stay off my feet for a few days.

n. + tell >>共 865
official 8.80%
doctor 3.94%
source 3.43%
witness 2.86%
police 1.91%
spokesman 1.86%
man 1.65%
people 1.38%
friend 1.38%
time 1.31%
doctor + v. >>共 546
say 19.87%
be 7.05%
tell 4.33%
have 2.64%
prescribe 1.68%
give 1.52%
find 1.52%
recommend 1.30%
use 1.18%
advise 1.17%
每页显示:    共 883