21.   Police supervised a controlled explosion of the vehicle that determined it did not contain explosives.

22.   A police spokesman said the bag, which contained no explosives, was apparently intentionally left in a parking garage.

23.   A law enforcement source in Washington said there is evidence that Nichols drove the rental truck containing the explosives to Oklahoma City.

24.   A guard at the station told investigators he immediately took outside a biscuit box left by the man in the station, suspecting it contained an explosive.

25.   A steel-plated tractor rumbles through a mine-riddled neighborhood, scooping up loads of earth and debris likely to contain dangerous explosives.

26.   A police spokesman in Laval, north of Montreal, said a bomb squad blew up a package containing explosives.

27.   A suitcase containing explosives was found in a downtown subway station in the capital, police said Tuesday.

28.   After a sniffer dog confirmed that the package contained explosives, a special sapper-robot exploded it.

29.   Ahmed said it appeared that the motorcycle containing the explosives was parked near a large police van, killing several officers waiting to return prisoners to jail.

30.   Although the army said it was unsure whether the trailer contained explosives, it evacuated a dozen nearby homes.

v. + explosive >>共 223
detonate 9.55%
find 9.36%
use 7.49%
carry 6.67%
contain 5.04%
plant 4.75%
make 4.08%
detect 2.74%
smuggle 2.21%
possess 2.16%
contain + n. >>共 1282
item 3.24%
information 3.09%
provision 1.82%
material 1.66%
violence 0.89%
inflation 0.83%
explosive 0.80%
bomb 0.77%
fire 0.77%
cost 0.75%
每页显示:    共 104