21.   The country became an international pariah, its educated elite fled and NATO bombs dropped during the Kosovo war destroyed factories and infrastructure.

22.   Their game plan is a good one, if the bombs are dropping.

23.   Then the bomb dropped.

24.   But as the bombs dropped, shrapnel sprayed across the compound, punching tiny holes in everything, including a few small trees.

25.   Laser-guided bombs dropped from attack jets will home in on whatever the laser is shining on with pinpoint accuracy, Gordon said.

26.   Once launched, these bombs essentially drop more little bombs, called bomblets, over a wide area.

27.   Some residents have speculated that the fire was started by practice bombs dropped on the range.

28.   They also said the exhibit underestimated the number of American soldiers who would have perished if the bomb had not dropped and an invasion of Japan had been necessary.

29.   They want to see where the planes are going, where the bombs are dropping.

30.   Unexploded bombs dropped in wartime raids are regularly discovered in London and elsewhere, mostly during excavation work for new buildings.

n. + drop >>共 1591
price 8.40%
stock 3.41%
temperature 2.39%
prosecutor 2.38%
rate 2.11%
plane 2.00%
government 1.63%
helicopter 1.51%
share 1.51%
sale 1.44%
bomb 0.37%
bomb + v. >>共 323
explode 33.76%
go 15.10%
be 10.12%
hit 3.38%
fall 3.01%
kill 2.42%
cause 2.24%
destroy 2.10%
damage 1.92%
blow 1.70%
drop 0.52%
每页显示:    共 31