21.   But being last gave Digital the luxury of learning from their errors.

22.   But now Quayle insists that having been veep gives him the experience to run the economy, the country and whatever foreign difficulties come our way.

23.   Even though Finley yearns for the freedom granted any adult entrepreneur, being underage has given him an edge.

24.   He acknowledged that being a director gave him an edge over other bidders.

25.   In Cincinnati, flight attendants on US Airways commuter planes in Cincinnati are complaining that they are not being given enough training to effectively conduct security searches.

26.   In particular, being alone gives your preteen a chance to explore brand-new sexual feelings without exposure to humiliation.

27.   In the entertainment business, which is so unpredictable, being liquid gives you freedom to make choices.

28.   Never been married before, either of us, and we really understood what we were offering and what we were giving.

29.   That the story was true gives you more of a sense of duty and responsibility to tell the truth of your character and the story.

30.   That the tuxedo-and-gown crowd brushes against the tattooed-and-pierced set is what gives the college so much vitality.

v. + give >>共 323
be 7.06%
win 2.48%
do 2.29%
have 2.10%
go 2.10%
signing 1.34%
mourn 1.15%
sign 1.15%
use 1.15%
work 1.15%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
give 0.44%
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