21.   Police refused to say when the arrest took place because the case is still under investigation.

22.   Police said the latest arrests took place Wednesday night in the city of Mansehra in the North West Frontier Province, which borders Afghanistan.

23.   And although his jaywalking arrest took place while Robert Sanders was in prison, that and several other discrepancies were not pursued.

24.   Arrests took place from Wednesday to Friday in eight cities in Guangdong province, which borders Macau, according to the Internet edition of the Southern Daily.

25.   Beta said the arrests took place in the village of Jelicka, near Prijedor.

26.   Burmese intelligence officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, confirmed that arrests were taking place but would not say how many people had been detained.

27.   Burmese intelligence officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, confirmed that arrests were taking place but would not say how many democratic activists had been detained.

28.   Diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, said arrests were taking place in Mandalay, Sagaing and Irawaddy divisions plus Mon state, all far-flung provinces of Burma.

29.   Eduard Dendzekadze, chief of staff of the Interior Ministry, said the arrests took place in the capital, Tbilisi, Friday night.

30.   Five early morning arrests took place in the northern coastal city of San Sebastian and the towns of Billabona and Ibarra, said Interior Minister Mariano Rajoy.

n. + take >>共 1201
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arrest + v. >>共 252
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