arrest be 65.90   His arrest was public.
  arrest come 22.65   The third arrest came last week.
  arrest follow 12.84   Other arrests followed.
  arrest take 8.10   The arrests took place on Saturday.
  arrest occur 3.55   No arrests have occurred this way.
  arrest bring 2.63   The arrest brought a nationwide manhunt to an end.
  arrest have 2.17   No arrests have ben made.
  arrest appear 2.04   But those arrests appear unpromising.
  arrest make 2.04   No arrests have made.
  arrest spark 1.91   The arrests sparked massive protests.
  arrest lead 1.71   Her arrest led to the Montgomery bus boycott.
  arrest begin 1.32   Then arrests began.
  arrest trigger 1.32   The arrests triggered panic in corporate circles.
  arrest warrant 1.32   Blackstock argues even a drunk-driving arrest could warrant a private reprimand.
  arrest continue 1.25   Trials have yet to begin, but arrests continue.
  arrest prompt 1.25   The arrest prompted another protest.
  arrest result 1.18   The arrests resulted in only about a dozen convictions.
  arrest violate 1.05   They claim the arrest violated an amnesty agreement for rebel leaders.
  arrest cause 0.99   The arrests have caused an uproar among moderates.
  arrest include 0.99   However, the arrests did not include senior HAMAS leaders.
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