21.   The announcement prompted worries that PacifiCare is having trouble integrating FHP.

22.   The CableLabs announcement prompted five of the Wall Street analysts who follow Terayon to raise their ratings on the company.

23.   The merger announcements not only prompted investors to change estimates of how much companies were worth but also indicated coming declines in the outstanding shares of stock.

24.   In the Le Monde interview, he suggested his announcement may have prompted moves to tarnish his name judicially.

25.   The announcement Friday prompted both gold fever and skepticism, with some Norwegians rushing to buy shares in the consortium but others expressing doubts about the claim.

26.   The announcement prompted renewed calls from Jewish groups for compensation.

27.   The announcement prompted some Russian politicians to voice alarm at the growing U.S. presence in the region.

28.   The announcement prompted a torrent of inquiries from frightened Japanese consumers, and several Asian countries responded by banning imports of Japanese beef.

29.   The announcement prompted a new round of fears that other leading companies may halt debt service.

30.   The announcement prompted accusations that Yeltsin was only making vague campaign promises that he would not be able to keep.

n. + prompt >>共 1135
attack 2.43%
incident 2.36%
move 2.23%
report 2.17%
case 1.78%
concern 1.49%
decision 1.36%
death 1.15%
announcement 0.97%
violence 0.95%
announcement + v. >>共 383
come 30.69%
be 17.71%
say 6.17%
follow 5.40%
end 1.39%
mark 1.34%
give 1.13%
send 1.06%
prompt 1.04%
have 1.02%
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