21.   To align their interests even further with those of the owners, management companies are increasingly taking equity stakes in properties they manage and even providing loans.

v. + interest >>共 475
have 15.41%
express 13.44%
show 9.06%
lose 3.54%
pay 2.79%
protect 2.16%
take 2.12%
attract 2.03%
represent 1.77%
draw 1.60%
align 0.15%
align + n. >>共 182
interest 6.91%
star 5.59%
policy 2.96%
party 2.30%
economy 1.64%
law 1.64%
planet 1.64%
station 1.64%
government 1.32%
body 1.32%
每页显示:    共 21