align interest 1.38   As a result, he added, his interests are aligned with shareholders.
  align star 1.12   The stars were improperly aligned.
  align policy 0.59   This policy is closely aligned with the goals of the organization.
  align party 0.46   To broaden his base, Ramos aligned his party with the largest opposition bloc.
  align economy 0.33   Financial crises have hampered moves to align economy with EU.
  align law 0.33   In modifying the sanctions, Switzerland has aligned its laws with recent Security Council resolutions.
  align planet 0.33   The planets were aligned.
  align station 0.33   The gyroscopes are the preferred, fuel-free way of aligning the station.
  align body 0.26   But when she did the postures, her body was aligned to perfection.
  align government 0.26   And third is the overall direction in which Berlusconi will align his government.
  align khan 0.26   Khan is closely aligned to the interim administration brought to power after the Taliban collapsed.
  align piece 0.26   Make sure that both pieces are aligned properly.
  align rotation 0.26   With the off day Monday, Russell could align his rotation to set up better against the Padres, and the playoffs, if the Dodgers advance.
  align team 0.26   Seven teams were aligned with the Dolan group, including the Jets, Giants and Ravens.
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