21.   Not rated, but there are adult themes. . . .

22.   Not rated, but there are sexual situations, strong language and adult themes.

23.   Not rated, but there is graphic sex, nudity and adult themes.

24.   Not rated, but there is female nudity and adult themes.

25.   PG for adult themes.

26.   Pilots of some episodes made available for review rely heavily on innuendo instead of in-your-face adult themes.

27.   Rated PG for adult themes and some scary scenes.

28.   Rated PG for language and mild adult themes.

29.   Rated PG for mild adult themes and language.

30.   Rated R for adult themes and language.

a. + theme >>共 911
central 4.28%
common 3.96%
same 3.81%
recurring 3.34%
main 3.13%
major 3.13%
similar 2.35%
familiar 1.77%
adult 1.59%
new 1.51%
adult + n. >>共 1009
life 8.19%
child 4.90%
education 2.59%
court 2.14%
male 2.01%
entertainment 1.56%
cell 1.54%
man 1.48%
son 1.43%
woman 1.35%
theme 1.31%
每页显示:    共 61