11.   Please omit any reference to me in what you write of Patrick Hamilton.

12.   Richter in one of his analects wrote of a child who cried because the sun bad burned up the dew drops.

13.   Several of these critics wrote of technology becoming the overriding power in society.

14.   Writing of definitions and selection of illustrative quotations by Junior staff.

15.   No nomination shall be valid unless made on the form in terms prescribed by the National Executive Committee and bearing thereon the consent in writing of the member nominated.

16.   Much has been written of the difficult trading condition as interest rates rise and demand slows, but a substantial market place continues to exist.

17.   Of the kind that himself wrote of.

18.   To write of male artisans is tautologous.

19.   Both of these well-known working-class autobiographers wrote of courtship and its rituals.

20.   He writes of an industrial moral economy.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
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talk 2.20%
lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
compose 1.33%
say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
write 0.36%
write + p. >>共 60
for 32.10%
in 23.40%
on 8.52%
by 8.30%
with 4.95%
off 3.09%
of 2.76%
into 2.64%
as 1.80%
from 1.80%
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