11.   Bananas, soaked almonds, dates, purified water and vanilla extract disappeared into an industrial-strength blender.

12.   Beat in the vanilla extract.

13.   Blend in vanilla extract.

14.   A cinnamon stick or canela, a dab of butter and vanilla extract give this dish its unforgettable flavor.

15.   A dish of vinegar or vanilla extract set on the bottom will help.

16.   A. According to guidelines that have been established by the Food and Drug Administration, pure vanilla extract must be made from vanilla beans and alcohol.

17.   A. Vanilla beans, and therefore vanilla extracts, vary greatly in terms of quality and price.

18.   Add blueberries, vanilla extract, elderberry essence and salt.

19.   Add eggs and vanilla extract, and mix until lightly blended.

20.   Add vanilla extract and pecans.

a. + extract >>共 88
vanilla 24.90%
almond 13.41%
nuclear 5.36%
orange 4.98%
herbal 3.45%
crude 2.30%
following 1.53%
liquid 1.53%
natural 1.53%
pure 1.53%
vanilla + n. >>共 111
extract 20.44%
essence 8.49%
wafer 5.66%
yogurt 4.40%
pudding 3.46%
seed 3.14%
sauce 2.52%
pod 2.52%
flavor 2.20%
custard 2.20%
每页显示:    共 65