11.   Being no artist, I never bothered to try one until the company came out with its Graphire system.

12.   Be sure to try this one for an exotic treat.

13.   Better make sure the toilets really are working before you try that one.

14.   But this sport has much to do with adjustments, and the Jets tried another one Monday afternoon at Weeb Ewbank Hall.

15.   But until somebody actually dares to try this one, no one will be able to say whether nature can abide a human-zee.

16.   Feel free to try this one on other cuts, such as pork chops.

17.   For those who thought the fight to keep John McCain off the Republican ballot played out like a grand political potboiler, try this one.

18.   Going back to last December, it has now been four and three-quarter games since he tried one.

19.   He had retired Womack on a breaking ball earlier, and he tried one again.

20.   Here, try this one.

v. + one >>共 829
include 9.78%
have 5.14%
get 2.86%
win 2.49%
make 1.80%
lose 1.74%
find 1.66%
buy 1.65%
take 1.41%
use 1.21%
try 0.41%
try + n. >>共 1596
hand 6.47%
case 6.01%
best 4.95%
suspect 2.77%
luck 2.66%
thing 2.16%
man 1.49%
approach 1.45%
time 1.35%
variety 1.01%
one 0.79%
每页显示:    共 48