1.   Encourage your kids to try new things, but try not to push them too hard.

2.   I was fiddling around with a couple of tracks, trying various things.

3.   The great thing is to spend time experimenting and trying different things.

4.   They give their students leeway to try new things.

5.   He tried a few things to remove the stain, but nothing worked.

6.   I need to expand my comfort zone and try new things.

7.   Understanding does not come easily, but if you study the documentation and try things out for yourself you will be well rewarded.

8.   She had tried so many times, she had tried so many things!

9.   I would have thought that most things have been tried by now and I would not imagine that there are many other avenues to be followed.

10.   And a coach willing to try different things.

v. + thing >>共 753
do 21.74%
have 5.71%
say 4.61%
see 3.66%
change 1.80%
take 1.72%
know 1.58%
get 1.52%
keep 1.35%
learn 1.26%
try 0.78%
try + n. >>共 1596
hand 6.47%
case 6.01%
best 4.95%
suspect 2.77%
luck 2.66%
thing 2.16%
man 1.49%
approach 1.45%
time 1.35%
variety 1.01%
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