11.   A team of Malaysian and Vietnamese elephant experts spotted the two elephants on Monday and shot them with tranquilizer darts.

12.   An earlier report said officials were waiting for money for tranquilizer darts so they could subdue the tiger.

13.   Animal control experts shot dozens of monkeys out of trees Friday with tranquilizer darts and castrated them on picnic tables in an effort to cut down on over-breeding.

14.   Coetsee shot them both with tranquilizer darts from the helicopter, and they were driven back to the Mavuradona park, where they were freed unharmed.

15.   Maneka Gandhi, a prominent environmentalist, criticized police for killing the elephant, saying they should have used tranquilizer darts.

16.   The animals ran wild for more than an hour until they were subdued with tranquilizer darts.

17.   The Post also reported that an elephant stomped his handler to death in a forest in Lampang on Tuesday, but was eventually subdued with tranquilizer darts.

18.   The team planned to shoot the elephants with tranquilizer darts, then load them on trucks, drive them to another jungle and release them.

19.   The veterinarians were to immediately start sedating the baboons with tranquilizer darts, said rescue coordinator Jenny Lodge.

20.   The veterinarian shot the cow with two tranquilizer darts, striking her in the shoulder and the rear end.

n. + darts >>共 24
tranquilizer 45.10%
blow 3.92%
fire 3.92%
paper 3.92%
shad 3.92%
steel 3.92%
atlatl 1.96%
bird 1.96%
brass 1.96%
camera 1.96%
tranquilizer + n. >>共 5
gun 41.67%
darts 38.33%
dart 15.00%
diazepam 3.33%
prescrip 1.67%
每页显示:    共 23